I am on a huge food spree. Last night I made pork chops with greek pasta salad and then made apple crisp! I've been using the casserole dish Kim sent me for my birthday at least once a day haha. Times like these make me think why would I be doing
anything else for a living besides cooking and baking? Tonight: sushi? Or lentil soup?
Zac sent me a mixed CD of sweet techno beats and it has been my musical soundtrack for the last few days.
The weather has been remarkably good considering we're entering rainy season. I want to bike to the lake or something this weekend, but on Sunday I have a FoodSafe course lined up. Considering I have been working in the food industry this whole time without it, I figured it's about time to actually get my credentials in order.
And speaking of credentials, I had a phone interview for a job in Calgary yesterday, but I have yet to hear back from them. My hopes aren't too high but it does sound like a cool position, and I think the interview went well.
And the highlight of this week so far: on Tuesday night Annie finally broke out the hookah. I actually learned how to blow smoke rings! Not super well but I did a few of them, very proud. It was a super chill evening, the only thing it was missing was henna.