Sunday, November 29, 2009

aww, mayyyuhhnnn

The only thing that kept me going at work was that I could come home and watch the new Office and 30 rock! Turns out this is a LIE and there were no new episodes this week.

Oh, well. Work was super shitty. I was amazed at how rude my customers were, how big my tables were, how none of them made reservations, etc. "Livin' the dream," as Dennis from Cedars used to say.

Before work however I did some awesome C-mas shopping with Emily. We hit up about 5 stores, the best being Ten Thousand Villages. I could buy everything for anyone and anything for everyone there. I blew a lot of money. It was great! And now I am basically ready for Christmas.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Card nighttt

It snowed today!
I love hearing good stories from Lauren and Kate's blogs
It is one month until I visit home, and I get more excited everyday
I signed my contract with Critical Mass, I start my new job right after I get back, and it's only until the end of April when Cory and I will either be moving home, or going to Jasper for a month and then heading home.
Where I will renovate a house downtown with Mom and Dad! And live in it! For an extended period of time! I'M GONNA HAVE STUFF AGAIN


Monday, November 23, 2009

don't let them go to waste

My first haircut in years that didn't take off 'bout 4 inches and automatically make me look like a little boy.

Good y/n?

I really like Christmas shopping. Especially at Indigo, or for myself haha hooray holiday clothing!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

4am, just getting home from work. Sigh.

At work tonight Two Hours Traffic came on the satellite radio. It was very odd to hear them, being so far away from home, especially since I haven't listened to them in a long time. I had a little flashback to when we used to like them and everything. And the song after that was a Wintersleep song! I miss the east coast and the awesome music that pumps out of there.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Exciting news people of the internet!

I got a job at a company bistro I applied to before actually leaving Victoria. I start in January, when we get back from PEI. It's a term position so I would work there from January until the end of April, and it could possibly be extended, but for now that's perfect because by that point we'll be planning to move home anyway.

I'm so excited! I'm so under qualified and this is really something that I would get into after I go the Culinary but ... I'm so frigging excited. Until Christmas I can just work at Boston Pizza, and maybe continue to work there on the weekends but this bistro position is a REAL GROWN UP JOB.

Paid salary, with benefits, and they even have a friggin gym downstairs where I can run on my breaks! I AM PRETTY HAPPY

Monday, November 16, 2009

the finer things in life

day off / almost complete sock monkey / beandip with multigrain nachos / really good book (Outlander by Diana Gabaldon) / blankets / chilly but sunny weather

Friday, November 13, 2009

four dollar bottle o wine, four dollar bottle o wine

I think I have strep throat. Another sick day for me!

Booked my ticket: home December 28th til January 12th

And yesterday at work I got a "call me" note, my first. Cory said to put it on the bulletin board, he was so proud too haha. The joys of serving.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

A few things worth mentioning

I can't believe how typically western my job is turning out to be. Last week I was called in twice, they tried to call me in over the weekend twice when I was sick myself, and yesterday I worked a 9 and a half hour shift because so many people called in sick.
I could literally be working a 60 hour week if I wanted to. Which I might, eventually, but for right now I feel like poop and I only want to get through my regular shifts.

Cory and I decided last night that we are moving home for me to go to school. We both miss home, I feel that I have seen a lot, and I am just pumped to get back to school. I am so excited! It's my first choice for culinary schools, and of course all of you LOVELY PEOPLE are either there or somewhat nearby :)

Also Mom and I are booking my Christmas visit tickets today. Yay