Monday, June 29, 2009

chocolate chip

Last night after a day of exploring and attending free concerts, we cooked our supper over a bonfire at the beach near our place. Hot dogs and potatoes, a little bit smokey, a little bit awesome. And today I ate the best cookie ever at John's Place. It was as big as the span of my hand. Like, bigger than Cowboy cookies at the Farmer's Market. Who thought cookies could get so big? Not this guy.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Tequila Mockingbird Orchestra

Coolest band ever at Jazz Fest. Gypsy jazz. Check them out.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

let's get together and feel alright

Three awesome things about today! I will list them now.

1. During my lunch break I saw the Victoria Soul Gospel Choir. They sang songs like One Love and Love Train, and it was the most beautiful thing in the world. All these hippies were up dancing and holding hands and, I just, I just love this place so much. I belong here, I think.

2. I got two things in the mail today from Kate! wmp

3. Tamara arrived this evening and Ty and her came to my work to get some thai before heading home. It's going to be an early night but I think tomorrow will be full of adventure. And more free jazz concerts! Life is good.

but at night it's a different world

Yesterday after work I went to this graduation party for Dan Cormier+friends. I met Dan when Tyler and I went to Vancouver for Bryce's moving-in keg party, and since we are both islanders and we both drank a lot of beer, we are now bff. That makes the total amount of people that I know here like .. 7!

I noticed something at the party. I consider myself a fairly outgoing person but since I've moved away it's like you have to be overly outgoing to the point of being creepy in order to meet anyone. That's being a traveler, I guess. Push those creepy limits. Drinking a bottle of Jackson Trigg's helps too. Did anyone else realise it is made in BC? I am just learning things all of the time.

Also there was guitar hero and even though I was pretty hammed I managed to impress most people by doing half a song on hard before failing, hard.

The Victoria Jazz Fest has all these free concerts in little park next to my work so I'm going to be checking out those on my breaks today. And Tamara arrives for her visit!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

leaving the city pt 1

Another bright sunny day in Victoria.

I'm halfway through my summer here and I figured it's time to start blogging (it's about the only way I'll get news to and from Kate anyway.)
Hopefully this will end up being a blog full of exciting stories about places I've traveled to, but most likely it will be the everyday things that amuse or annoy me, and will include a lot about what I'm eating that day. Enjoy!