Thursday, April 29, 2010

bad news:

The Simon and Garfunkel has been canceled. Unsure if we are getting a refund or switching the tickets to another concert (aren't they in Halifax at some point?)

good news:

Mikey's a go on the cross Canada trip!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

still, a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest

There are many exciting things happening!

Mikey might be coming to Calgary at the end of next month to drive back his sister's car, so we might possibly be canceling our tickets home and driving home instead (arriving at roughly the same date.) This is exciting because I really want to drive across Canada, it would be the perfect way to end this little adventure of mine, Mikey's sister would be paying for our gas, and come on! Driving with Cory and Mikey and his unknown sister? That's just f-u-n waiting to happen.

That would mean, however, that I would go from driving across the country (let's say May 27th to June 2nd) to moving out with Jill (June 2nd) to Aric's band concert (June 3rd) to driving to Montreal (midnight, June 3rd.) Busy week. Oh yeah, and starting whatever jobs I can convince to wait until June 7th, the day after I get home from Montreal.


In other news, this weekend is Cory's big 23 and we're actually doing things. Friday a friend of Jessica's is playing at the Palamino, Saturday we're having a games night and Sunday we're seeing Simon and Garfunkel!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

What a trip.

Florida was so great. The weather was fantastic, and I've never seen Nanny and Grampy let loose like that. Newfie bands at the flea market, one dollar beer, pizza and hilarious RRSP advice from drunken Grampy.. just an excellent time overall.

As soon as I got back, it was time for the CMmys (staff party with awards and stuff). Such a great night. I haven't partied like that in ages, god it was good. Danced all night long and Scottie and I shut down the bar. The day after they closed the office until 10 which meant sleeping in until 9 (I usually get up at 6) but I was still drunk from the night before. Messy.

Makes me want to get home and have some sweet house parties though. Enough of this domestic shit.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

one a penny, two a penny

this may as well be an official food blog. I made these hot cross buns for Easter!

We booked our tickets home - May 29th! Party at Mom and Dad's!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

tuna sandwich + pickle + chips

it's sunny outside

on the verge of a long weekend

life is good.